Reading and Reviewing Books

Daily writing prompt
What job would you do for free?

The job I’ll do for free is actually the job I’m currently doing, and that is reading and reviewing books. I’ve always enjoyed reading and I’m not particular to traditional or indie authors. If there’s a good story out there, I want to read it. I love learning, and my favorite way is through reading.

I read in every platform: ebooks, paperback, hardcovers, PDF, audio. However, I’m not a huge fan of audio because I’m particular about the voice I’m listening to, but otherwise, it’s not an issue.

I also do art for free. I’ve given away some paintings and I’ve shared some digital art, including generated AI art I’ve created.

I’m not sure if this counts but I’ve volunteered my time as well. When my kids were young, I volunteered at their school. I volunteered (and still do currently) at my youngest daughter’s swim meets, and when my oldest was in high school, I volunteered as the photographer and transportation person for her poms team. I also volunteered as a Catechism teacher at my church, and now I’m volunteering on the church’s women volunteering group. Back in my college days, I volunteered as a math tutor and English tutor, so I’ve always given my time for free to help others. I did it, and still do it for the enjoyment of it. I don’t tend to remember all the volunteering I’ve done. For instance, I had to dig hard to remember that I volunteered during my college years. It’s just not something I hold on to. It’s the warm feeling I get that stays.

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