Book Review: Dawn

Title: Dawn (The Xenogenesis Trilogy; Book 1)
Author: Octavia E. Butler
Genre: Sci-fi
Book Length: 321 pages (print)
Book Version Read: eBook
Year Published: First published May 1, 1987; This edition July 24, 2012

Date Started: March 12, 2024
Date finished: March 20, 2024

This is a sci-fi far future story about humans and aliens. A woman named Lilith Iyapo wakes up in a foreign place where an alien race is raising humans to return them to Earth. The aliens are studying the human’s personalities and how they live among each other. Lilith is given an ability from the aliens to wake up other humans. They want her to decide who to wake up and want her to be the leader of the humans. Things don’t go as planned and chaos ensues which leads to the aliens making the decisions for the humans.

This wasn’t a bad read, but it wasn’t that great either. I found Lilith and the rest of the humans childlike even though they were adults. The aliens were interesting with their abilities. They were able to do such things as cure cancer in humans and join in on copulation with the humans. They also were able to reproduce with humans. Everything having to do with the aliens was fascinating. However, the humans were a letdown for me. They all came across very clueless and not very intelligent.

Who should read this book: If you’re into aliens, you’ll enjoy this.