Book Review: Cut and Thirst

Title: Cut and Thirst
Author: Margaret Atwood
Genre: Fiction; Humor; Women’s Fiction
Book Length: 35 pages (short story)
Book Version Read: eBook
Year Published: May 1, 2024

Date Started: May 3, 2024
Date finished: May 4, 2024

This story is about three women friends who, once a week, get together to talk about life. The women are retired professors: Chrissy, Myrna, and Leonie, who enjoy each other’s company. Initially, there were four of them, but one of them, Fern, became very ill and couldn’t join them anymore. Lately, their conversations have been about revenge and murder on the men who ruined Fern’s career. They think it was these men who caused Fern a lifetime of stress and that’s why she was ill.

They talk about how they could murder these men, one-by-one. There were eight or nine men and they all deserved death. However, coming up with ways to kill them wasn’t so easy. Each scenario they thought of required too much from them. Their goal was to leave no trail. In the end, they agreed it would be too much work, so their next best option was to make the men’s lives miserable. They decided to start from the bottom up, so the main man who started it all would be the last and the man who had the least involvement would go first. Chrissy knew more of the man who was least involved, so she decided to take brownies, mixed with laxative, to his home. She had this idea all planned out how she’d tell him she was finally ready to sleep with him. She hoped he’d also still want to sleep with her. It had been, after all, many years later, and they were old and gray.

When Chrissy arrives at the man’s house, she learns that he was married, and that he wasn’t the right man. There were two men with the same name, and this one actually apologized (although, they think only to save himself from his own guilt and not really to benefit Fern). She couldn’t leave with her brownies, and she didn’t want to leave her brownies for them because they might not eat it. So, she played along and ate a brownie herself. Later, the women gathered and talked about it. They were able to include Fern at one of their gatherings to talk about the brownies in hopes to make her feel better, but it turns out, Fern really didn’t care. She had come to terms with the situation and was happy in her life.

This was a beautifully written story! I loved it so much. I can’t believe this was a short story because there were so much to take from it. These elderly women were funny. They seemed so serious, but it was just too funny to take seriously. I enjoyed how they talked about the woke education system nowadays and how relieved they were to be free of it. They appeared to be feminist—old school feminist, as portrayed by their experience with fierce competition from the men who had the upper hand, because in their time, men did have more power. What they did to Fern was beyond cruel. It was outright evil, and they got away with it. Then, there was the underlying feeling of old age, illness, and death they all were dealing with and going through in one way or another. There was a scene where the women wished they had avenged these men when they were younger. I think we can all agree that there are people in our lives that we want to avenge, but we just don’t know how or have the time to think much on it. And, most the time, our own lives are full of sadness, pain, and spurts of joy that it doesn’t even cross our minds to wonder about their lives.

This story had me wondering if it was a fiction version of Atwood’s real-life story. For instance, could Myrna have been Atwood herself? Also, there was a character named Deepak, could that have been Deepak Chopra? Did they know each other? Could be a totally different person all together, but what if?

If you get the opportunity to read this book, I’d highly recommend it. It’s very thought-provoking and again, well written. It was worth every minute of my time.

Who should read this book: Anyone who enjoys Atwood’s work or women’s fiction, humor, literary fiction. It’s a short story so won’t take any time to read.

Book Review: Echoes of the Arcane

Title: Echoes of the Arcane
Author: Cody Campbell
Genre: Literary Short Fiction; Fairy Tales; Sci-fi
Book Length: 183 Pages (print)
Book Version Read: PDF
Year Published: April 15, 2024

Date Started: March 15, 2024
Date finished: March 19, 2024

This book is a collection of short stories and poems. The stories range from literary, sci-fi, to fantasy. Every story has a theme or something to learn from. For instance, “Clean Slate” is a sci-fi about a man who’s struggling in life and doesn’t think highly of himself only to learn that luck isn’t just purely for the smart and wealthy, it’s also for the people who are there at the right time; “Glamour” is a fantasy vampire story about revenge, and “Beneath the Ice” is about family and addiction. The poems are a fun add. They’re all very thought-provoking.

Overall, this is a nice collection of stories and poems if you’re not into reading a long novel or if you just want to sample a variety of different types of literature.

Who should read this book: Literature readers, poets, and genre readers would all enjoy this collection. Also, if you’re a heavy anthology reader, this would be a great book to check out.

Book Giveaway and Excerpt: Keeping Pepper by Scott Brody

I’m really excited to be sharing additional information on a book I read and enjoyed. You can read my review here. Keeping Pepper is a great book to read anywhere and anytime. It gives you a warm feeling but it also gives you a bit of excitement. I would not recommend it if I didn’t enjoy it as much as I did.


Beneath the weight of four long years in confinement, a story of liberation unfolds, igniting a whirlwind of love, fear, and even hope.

When Ed and Stacey go to Las Vegas to visit their friend Pepper, they realize his dementia has gotten worse. They decide to take him with them on their road trip to see old friends near Mt Konocti in northern California. At the reunion, he meets Sandy Martin, and they begin a new love relationship. He calls in to a local radio talk show and the audience likes him so much that he becomes a regular part of the show. But when a local psychopath hears Pepper on the show and decides he wants Pepper to be his friend, things take a very dark turn…


“This book was both suspenseful and beautiful at the same time. All in all, an excellent read.”

Book Addict Book Blog

“The author uses richly crafted characters to bring the story to life, weaving past memories into the present. Keeping Pepper highlights the importance of living each day to the fullest, even if it means taking risks.”

Novels Alive

“Thoroughly enjoyed the twists and turns as the story evolved. Certainly didn’t see some of them coming. The poignancy of old friends, new paths and one more good time was woven into a very engaging story.”

– Deb Zak (Amazon Reviewer)

“This was such a fresh and engaging story about the power of taking risks no matter your age or stage of life. It centers on a group of longtime friends of former ad executive Michael Pepper. Pepper’s story is romantic and, at times, quite suspenseful. I found his energy and spirit of adventure inspiring, and it made for a very enjoyable book.”

– KKW (Amazon Reviewer)



In the end, twelve of them decided to make the trip. Several others begged off, leery of the trails and opting to take the day at the farm. They took three vehicles. A car and two SUV’s, packed with lots of food, drinks and gear in addition to the people. It took them about twenty minutes to get to the bottom of the mountain. The road goes through the village of Kelseyville, down some residential blocks, then the road slopes up through a series of farm fields and orchards, followed by open rocky hillsides. As they rose up on the hill, the tableau took shape – Clear Lake at the foot of the mountain with towns and suburban blocks in the distance. Going higher, the view got bigger, and the lake got both deeper in color, and silvery where the sun reflected off it. They all stopped talking and watched the view changing and developing with some awe as they drove. As they got higher, they disappeared into a cloud bank, then the road popped out of the cloud, and they were in a thick stand of Maul Oaks in a notch between two peaks rising on either side of them. The oaks were tall, 40 to 60 feet, with big heavy curving branches that looked like trees out of an old Disney cartoon. They drove a bit further through the woods until they reached a clearing with parking spaces near a trailhead. They got out, still surrounded by trees.

“That didn’t take long,” Stacey said, stretching her legs.

Richie was organizing their stuff. He had divided them up into small packs so people could carry them easily on their backs. By giving them to a few people, he figured nobody would have too much weight to carry.

“They call it Mt. Konocti, but it’s really not much of a mountain,” he said. “Just about 2,200 feet above the lake.”

“Looked a lot higher coming up,” Hubert said. “Beautiful views on the way up. Can’t wait to see them from here.”

“Yeah, it gets better from here on.” Richie said. He turned to speak to the group. “Everybody ready? Everything good? Anyone need to pee or anything before we get started?” Nobody said anything. “Anybody wanting to take a nap yet?” He laughed, as did a few in the group.

“A nap?” Pepper asked Ed.

“It’s a joke, Pepper.”


Pepper was standing with Ed, Stacey, Sandy, and Franny. They had decided to stay together as a group on the hike. They looked like an aging tribe in plaids and jeans, shaggy hair and caps in the cool morning. Bits of fog lingered and drifted through the trees around them, cooling the air and filtering the sun.

“OK, well then let’s get started,” Richie said to them all, turning to walk. “The trail-head is over here.” And they were off. They hit the trailhead and followed the path into the trees. After a few minutes, Richie started talking to them about where they were.

“This is what they call the Black Forest because it’s a very dense wood of Douglas Fir and Maul Oaks. It’s a bit of a mystery, since it’s located on the north face of the mountain where it never gets direct sunlight. Nobody really understands how it got started here or why it grows just here.”

“Kind of spooky in here actually,” Sandy said to Pepper, sliding her arm around his. Pepper thought that was nice, but he wondered if she was thinking he needed propping up. He decided not to worry about it.

“Yes,” he agreed with her. “Keep your eyes open for witches.”

Richie kept going. “Truth is Mount Kon is really pretty exceptional. It’s not so big, as I said before, but it is a special place – both the mountain and the lake. It’s an old volcano. Part of what they call the Clear Lake Volcanic Field. It has been quite active in its history. They say it last erupted around 10,000 years ago, which is pretty recently.”

He stopped to help Cyn and Hubert over some rocks.

“I guess it was a fairly active volcano over the millennia, and through that time it created lots of caves and natural tunnels – old volcanic vents – into the interior of the mountain. Indians used to live here – lots of them. This was a large settlement of native Americans all around the lake. Mostly the Pomo tribe. They say thousands lived in the area in the 1800’s before white men came and started killing them off.”

“God Bless America,” Eddie said.

“But the Pomo explored the area more than anyone since. Their stories about the mountain told about a huge open cavern in the center of the mountain. Probably this would have been the central magma chamber from when the mountain was an active volcano. They said their men used to crawl through the tunnels until they came to the edge of the openings, then they would drop things into the cavern to see how far they fell. Often, they never heard them land. Geologists mostly tend to believe these stories. They say this could be the tallest cavern in North America. But the soil is very unstable and many of the vent tunnels have collapsed. So, it is dangerous to explore – nobody has ever been able to find the central cavern, if it still exists. But one thing they do know about Konocti – the mountain breathes. All the vents around the sides, and the open cavern in the center creates wind drafts and thermal currents. The changing pressures and different temperatures create its own air system. They say when the weather is changing on the outside and it gets windy, that’s when you can hear it the most, kind of whistling or wheezing. Feel it too, since the air on the inside is a constant temperature it feels either warmer or cooler than the air outside. So you get little blasts of the mountain’s breath walking around.”

He stopped and walked with them for a bit. Walking and talking got him out of breath.

“Lots of people have reported strange breezes blowing right out of holes in the side of the mountain. Sometimes they smell like old decaying soil, sometimes people say they blow warm wet air. It breathes. In storms, especially. And lots of people report finding openings into the side. Sometimes big enough to call caves. Other times just holes. This mountain — it seems to have its own life, kind of. It’s unpredictable and kind of spiritual. One of the reasons I wanted to bring you all up here, just to see it and feel it. The Pomo felt it. This was a sacred place to them. They gave it the name Konocti which combined their two words for “mountain” and “woman.”

“Wow,” Sandy said. “You know, Richie – as long as I’ve lived in San Francisco, I never heard any of that before, and we’re so close. I’ve heard of Clear Lake, but never heard much about it. Never seemed to be anything that special.”

Author Bio:

Scott Brody works in broadcasting and ad sales in Southern California.He’s married with a daughter, two sons, and two grandchildren. He also wrote The Org, available on Amazon.

Author Interview on Writing:

How did you do research for your book?

Online research mostly, and personal experience

Which was the hardest character to write? The easiest?

I wanted to give the reader a first person view of two difficult personalities – Pepper with his dementia and Dennis, the psychopath. Both were difficult.

In your book you make a reference to dementia. How did you come up with this idea? What made you write a book about it?

Family experience dealing with it.

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?

I had two step-fathers with dementia. I wanted to explore how the “Boomer” generation will deal with aging.

There are many books out there about dementia. What makes yours different?

Not familiar with any.

Your book is set in Clear Lake, California. Have you ever been there?


If you could put yourself as a character in your book, who would you be?


Do you have another profession besides writing?

Yes, my day job! Ad sales

How long have you been writing?

25 years

What helps you overcome writer’s block?

Keep thinking and writing.

What is your next project?


What genre do you write and why?

I have a problem with this; I don’t want to write according to someone’s definition of genre. I don’t pay much attention.

What is the last great book you’ve read?

The Orphan Master’s Son by Adam Johnson

What is a favorite compliment you have received on your writing?

“Loved this book!”

If your book were made into a movie, who would star in the leading roles?

Haha! Maybe Benedict Cumberbatch as Pepper.

What were the biggest rewards and challenges with writing your book?

I guess the answer to both would be getting it finished!

In one sentence, what was the road to publishing like?

For me, agonizing.

What is one piece of advice you would give to an aspiring author?

I took classes at the UCLA Writers Extension – tremendously helpful.

Which authors inspired you to write?

All of them

What is something you had to cut from your book that you wish you could have kept?

I made the final decision on what was to stay or go, so nobody forced me to cut anything, but usually I understood their criticism and cut what they suggested.

On rituals:

Do you snack while writing?


Where do you write?

Home office

Do you write every day?

No, but most days

What is your writing schedule?

I work my day job during business hours, then break for dinner, then write in the evening.

Is there a specific ritualistic thing you do during your writing time?


In today’s tech savvy world, most writers use a computer or laptop. Have you ever written parts of your book on paper?

No – that’s a scary thought!

Fun stuff:

If you could go back in time, where would you go?

Not far back. Maybe the 1960’s

Favorite travel spot?


Favorite dessert?

Icebox cake

If you were stuck on a deserted island, which 3 books would you want with you?

Can’t say. Three I haven’t read yet!

What’s the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?

Had three kids.

What is the oldest item of clothing you own?

A small plaid wool blanket I had as a little kid.

Additional information from Scott Brody on Keeping Pepper:

In researching the setting for Keeping Pepper, I started with the thought of having my characters meet somewhere in Northern California, which is beautiful to begin with. As I looked, I discovered this area about two hours northeast of San Francisco with towns clustered around Clear Lake. I found it to be beautiful and somewhat magical, with Mt. Konocti looming over the lake. It’s an old area with an extensive history with the local indigenous tribes and early white settlers. Mt. Konocti itself is an ancient volcano, and there are many stories of bottomless tunnels crisscrossing the mountain, where air blew out of uncharted holes in its sides. I found it to be fascinating and offered a setting with lots of rich history and interesting symbolism for the book.

It later provided a very good backdrop for several major parts of the story – Richie’s painful fall on the mountain, and Pepper’s abduction by Dennis. I wanted to portray the beauty of that area and keep that presence throughout the story.

I feel like that worked well, since I have gotten quite a lot of feedback from people who read the book, commenting on how lovely I made the area sound. Several people have told me I made them want to go there to see it. An old friend of mine who lives in San Francisco thought I must have lived in Clear Lake somewhere, and was shocked when I told her I have only actually been there once.


Click here for the giveaway.

Book Review: The Starless Sea

Title: The Starless Sea
Author: Erin Morgenstern
Genre: Fantasy
Book Length: Novel
Book Type: eBook
Year Published: November 5, 2019

Date Started: December 10, 2023
Date finished: December 19, 2023

I first read the audio of this book over the summer but wasn’t able to finish it. I found the audio difficult to follow. I decided to read the ebook and it was much more enjoyable. The book is about a man named Zachary Ezra who loves books. He comes across a certain book in which the starless sea is mentioned, and he wants to reach it. Throughout the book, we get glimpses of the stories he’s reading. I don’t think we are reading every chapter of that book, but there are certain chapters that stand out (maybe to Zachary?), and that’s what we get to experience with him. The story is a smooth-sailing type of book. There’s no real climax. We are simply taken on a journey with Zachary. There is a bit of life away from the book in which we learn of the few people Zachary is around, but other than that, it’s basically a story to have you thinking about each situation in the book.

Who should read this book: If you’re a fan of Neil Gaiman or like his writing style in The Ocean at the End of the Lane, this story is written very similarly.

Book Review: Dandelion Wine

Title: Dandelion Wine
Author: Ray Bradbury
Genre: Literary
Book Length: Novel
Book Type: eBook
Year Published: Reprint April 23, 2013

Date Started: October 24, 2023
Date finished: October 29, 2023

This is a story about a boy named Douglas and his simple life in Illinois. He comes across a lot of people and learns of their lives. There were sad moments, scary moments, and fun moments. I had no idea you could make wine out of dandelion, so I found that interesting.

Overall, this book was a good read. There wasn’t anything that really hooked me. To me, it’s a book that you read to get a feel for a boy’s life in small town America. I wanted more to happen, but it was a pretty steady storyline that didn’t have huge ups or downs.

Who should read this book: If you’re into literary fiction with a lot of thought-provoking scenes and conversations, this would be a great choice.

Book Review: The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell

Title: The Extraordinary Life of Same Hell
Author: Robert Dugoni
Genre: Literary Fiction; Coming of Age
Book Length: Novel
Book Type: Ebook (purchased)
Year Published: April 24, 2018

Date Started: November 11, 2023
Date finished: November 16, 2023

This is a coming-of-age story about a boy named Sam Hill. He grew up in a loving family. His mother was supportive of him and was a strong person in his life. He was bullied a lot and was given the name Sam Hell by his classmates, but he didn’t seem to be too bothered by that. He had other issues to deal with like the physical bullying from another boy who just wouldn’t leave him alone. Sam goes through grammar school and high school dealing with all things teenagers go through. He made two close friends who remained his friends into adulthood. He experienced the good and bad of life in his own life as well as with his friends and his parents. It felt like I was listening to a friend catching me up on the important things in his life.

I found this story pretty sad. I don’t think there was anything about this story that had me smiling. It just kept getting sadder and sadder. I mean, even the happy parts were not very happy. It made me reflect on my own childhood and how it too was pretty sad, but I smile about it now because life is about learning and growing so I don’t have any bitter feelings (like Sam). I enjoyed the story because I felt like I could relate to Sam. However, my overall feel about him was that he was too calm during his younger years. I’ve always felt that for someone like him, going through so much, he’d have some type of outlet to let whatever he was holding in, out. I wanted a scene where he’d punch a wall or scream in a forest or something.

Who should read this book: If you’re looking for a read about growing up with issues or just want to read a book that could make you cry, give this one a go. There are lots of morals, themes, and meaningful words to keep you thinking, and reflecting.

Book Review: The Music Within Your Heart

Title: The Music Within Your Heart
Author: Isaac Samuel Miller
Genre: Women’s Fiction; Coming of Age
Year Published: August 9, 2023

Date Started: September 25, 2023
Date finished: September 27, 2023

This is a story about love and overcoming life obstacles. We follow Sophia from childhood into adulthood where she learns of her faults and determination.

Sophia loses her brother at a young age and learns some dark secrets about her father. She comes to realize how unstable her life is but also realizes that she could make something of herself and live a better life. In her childhood, she met a boy named Sammie whom she fell in love with. They became great friends and did their best to stay together. As they grew up, they grew apart, but Sophia was determined to find him because in her heart she felt he was the only person for her.

Sophia’s life takes an unexpected turn and she struggled with the choices that would give her the best opportunities. Sammie was always on her mind, and she had to find the truth of their friendship. He’d been the one person who gave her hope, and she wasn’t going to give up until she heard the truth from him.

This was a beautiful love story about growth and overcoming hardship. Sophia is relatable in that she makes human mistakes. She had a strong will to live and to love and it showed in how she overcame the unpleasant situations.

Who should read this book: Anyone who likes a sweet romance with a historical setting through time would enjoy this.

Book Review: To Dream of Shadows

Title: To Dream of Shadows
Author: Steve N. Lee
Genre: Historical Fiction; War Story; Romance
Year Published: April 16, 2023

Date Started: April 10, 2023
Date finished: April 14, 2023

This is a story about bravery, compassion, and love. Two people, an SS soldier and a Jewish woman transferred to his camp, are put in a tough place and the soldier must make decisions that could put him and everyone he cares about in danger.

This story was wonderfully written. It hooked me from the get-go. I’ve read many holocaust and labor camp stories and this one was right up there with my favorites. The difficulties the Jewish people dealt with during this period was horrendous and the German soldiers were truly cruel. However, I believe that in everything that is evil, or made to appear extremely evil, there is some good hidden within, and this story showcases just that. This was a powerful, heart-wrenching read that tore at my soul.

I also really enjoyed learning that the story was based on researched facts. The extent the author went to find as much as he could about the two main characters and the setting is amazing. Well done.

Who should read this book: If you’re looking for a book to really tear at your heart and soul, this one will do it.

Book Review: When All Else Fails

Title: When All Else Fails
Author: Mark Lages
Genre: Nonfiction; Memoir; Autobiography
Year Published: March 24, 2023

Date Started: April 3, 2023
Date finished: April 9, 2023

This is a memoir of sort about the author, Mark Lages. There’s a bit of autobiography and researched information throughout the story as well. However, overall, I’d say it leans more toward memoir but without the familiar fiction structure.

Lages had a normal life growing up in the west coast. His younger years were very typical of an American household with his mother the main caretake of him and his siblings. He was very intelligent and was able to attend university and become an architect. Throughout his life journey, he picked up other skills/talents and also experimented with smoking and alcohol and took a liking to both. The alcohol led him into a downward spiral leading to a life he regretted at times. He was able to pick himself up and continued to build his career and family life. Through it all, he shares his thoughts, feelings, and what he’s learned about all his experiences.

I’ve been a fan of Lages’s writing style and this one didn’t disappoint. Like his other books, there’s humor and a few jokes that got me to smile, and unlike his other books, this one was nonfiction. Lages focused quite a lot on religion in a way that a young child would be curious about it. It got me thinking and I realized that a lot of nonbelievers see religion this same way. I’ve come across a lot of people who blame God for so many things and it’s funny because I’d like the opportunity to explain the whys but there’s just never the opportunity. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve blamed God for a whole lot of things myself, but I always come to terms. If anything, I would say, believe in it in an adult way, not the symbolic way that young children are taught. Of course, that’s harder said than done. Having said that, this was a very interesting insight. Lages also talks a lot about politics and alcoholism. I’m not political myself but I also don’t have any addictions to anything. I’ve read a couple of books this year on addiction (drugs and cannabis) and I’m still fascinated as to how people become addicted to things. I’m aware that there are multiple types of addiction genes out there and I’m wondering why that is and what the purpose of that gene was/is for.

I enjoyed this memoir. I learned a lot about Lages and how we all have certain things we can relate to. For instance, just like Lages, I’ve had multiple dreams where I can’t find my way back home (or back to where I started from) or I’m still in college and I’m taking a math exam, but I don’t remember how to do the math, etc. I’m reading these parts and going, “Same here!” I love it when I can relate to a person in this strange way. It just means as humans, we go through very similar thoughts and mind experiences even if our life outside of our head is very different. I also enjoyed the informative sections on the flies, human mind, paper clips, etc. These little pieces of knowledge were insightful.

Who should read this book: This is one of those books you want to take with you on a long vacation or if you have ample time to read. There are books you can rush through and then there are books like this where you want to read every word.

Book Review: Light to the Hills

Title: Light to the Hills
Author: Bonnie Blaylock
Genre: Historical Fiction, Women’s Fiction
Year Published: December 1, 2022 (physical book)

Date Started: November 20, 2022
Date finished: November 23, 2022

This is a book about the women during the Great Depression when jobs were scarce, and the men were already struggling to care for their families. The main character is named Amanda and she found a job delivering books to families that lived in the countryside. Her story is about bravery and perseverance during a time of hardship.

The writing was beautiful especially the description of the countryside. It was a very calm story about situations that were harsh so at first, I wasn’t sure what to think of this story. As the story progressed, the tension began to build up, but it didn’t seem to go anywhere. For the most part it was due to poor character development and conflict. None of the characters stood out.

I did like that the story took place during the depression and that there were traveling libraries. That was a really cool thing FDR offered and something I don’t remember learning about.

Who should read this book: If you enjoy books about the Great Depression, you might like this one.