Goo Goo Dolls Concert

Daily writing prompt
What was the last live performance you saw?

The last live performance I went to was a Goo Goo Dolls’ concert in August 2023. I had always wanted to see them live in the 90’s but I was a poor college student and couldn’t afford it. Plus, I was too busy with school and work, and I also had no one to go with. I went to this concert with my husband.

There were quite a lot of people. It was a nice, beautiful day with beautiful weather. Everything just felt perfect. We sat pretty close, but it was still pretty far away. There were large screens to either side of the stage for close-ups.

O.A.R. opened for them. They sing the popular song, “Shattered.” When our kids were young, we would sing the chorus, “Turn this car around!” The kids also sang along. It was the only song we remember from them. I think it was also the only song that made it big by them.

I like a lot of Goo Goo Dolls’ songs, but my all time favorite will always be, “Black Balloon.”

Book Review: Cut and Thirst

Title: Cut and Thirst
Author: Margaret Atwood
Genre: Fiction; Humor; Women’s Fiction
Book Length: 35 pages (short story)
Book Version Read: eBook
Year Published: May 1, 2024

Date Started: May 3, 2024
Date finished: May 4, 2024

This story is about three women friends who, once a week, get together to talk about life. The women are retired professors: Chrissy, Myrna, and Leonie, who enjoy each other’s company. Initially, there were four of them, but one of them, Fern, became very ill and couldn’t join them anymore. Lately, their conversations have been about revenge and murder on the men who ruined Fern’s career. They think it was these men who caused Fern a lifetime of stress and that’s why she was ill.

They talk about how they could murder these men, one-by-one. There were eight or nine men and they all deserved death. However, coming up with ways to kill them wasn’t so easy. Each scenario they thought of required too much from them. Their goal was to leave no trail. In the end, they agreed it would be too much work, so their next best option was to make the men’s lives miserable. They decided to start from the bottom up, so the main man who started it all would be the last and the man who had the least involvement would go first. Chrissy knew more of the man who was least involved, so she decided to take brownies, mixed with laxative, to his home. She had this idea all planned out how she’d tell him she was finally ready to sleep with him. She hoped he’d also still want to sleep with her. It had been, after all, many years later, and they were old and gray.

When Chrissy arrives at the man’s house, she learns that he was married, and that he wasn’t the right man. There were two men with the same name, and this one actually apologized (although, they think only to save himself from his own guilt and not really to benefit Fern). She couldn’t leave with her brownies, and she didn’t want to leave her brownies for them because they might not eat it. So, she played along and ate a brownie herself. Later, the women gathered and talked about it. They were able to include Fern at one of their gatherings to talk about the brownies in hopes to make her feel better, but it turns out, Fern really didn’t care. She had come to terms with the situation and was happy in her life.

This was a beautifully written story! I loved it so much. I can’t believe this was a short story because there were so much to take from it. These elderly women were funny. They seemed so serious, but it was just too funny to take seriously. I enjoyed how they talked about the woke education system nowadays and how relieved they were to be free of it. They appeared to be feminist—old school feminist, as portrayed by their experience with fierce competition from the men who had the upper hand, because in their time, men did have more power. What they did to Fern was beyond cruel. It was outright evil, and they got away with it. Then, there was the underlying feeling of old age, illness, and death they all were dealing with and going through in one way or another. There was a scene where the women wished they had avenged these men when they were younger. I think we can all agree that there are people in our lives that we want to avenge, but we just don’t know how or have the time to think much on it. And, most the time, our own lives are full of sadness, pain, and spurts of joy that it doesn’t even cross our minds to wonder about their lives.

This story had me wondering if it was a fiction version of Atwood’s real-life story. For instance, could Myrna have been Atwood herself? Also, there was a character named Deepak, could that have been Deepak Chopra? Did they know each other? Could be a totally different person all together, but what if?

If you get the opportunity to read this book, I’d highly recommend it. It’s very thought-provoking and again, well written. It was worth every minute of my time.

Who should read this book: Anyone who enjoys Atwood’s work or women’s fiction, humor, literary fiction. It’s a short story so won’t take any time to read.


Daily writing prompt
What’s a job you would like to do for just one day?

I’d love to be an astronaut.

I enjoy reading, writing, and watching all things sci-fi, so being out in space to experience zero-gravity and working on the Space Station would be awesome.

Book Review: Sex, Drugs, & Superheroes III: Wrath of Comic-Con

Title: Sex, Drugs, & Superheroes III: Wrath of Comic-Con
Author: David Reddish
Genre: Sci-fi; LGBTQ+
Book Length: 217 Pages (Hardcover)
Book Version Read: Hardcover
Year Published: March 6, 2024

Date Started: April 15, 2024
Date finished: April 29, 2024

This is the third book in the Sex, Drugs, and & Superheroes trilogy. I didn’t read the first two books but was told this book could be read as a standalone. The story is about two characters: Liquin Sonos and Ashlyn. It’s structured with Liquin’s story as journal entries and Ashlyn’s as witness statements. The story is that Ashlyn knows or learns of Liquin’s goal to destroy Earth and feels that she needs to stop him. The setting is at a Comic-Com convention in San Diego where Ashlyn and Liquin finally meet after going through their own personal issues and discoveries.

I found myself enjoying this story, except for one thing (mentioned below). I loved the references to American pop-culture. I also found the humor and satire quite funny. The journal entries and witness statements were a great way of providing the character development of the two main characters. The multiple characters were exceptionally done. This was overall a great escape read. The only thing I would have wanted was a warning on the explicit gay language and orgy. I had to skip all that because I just wasn’t prepared for it. I don’t mind LGBTQ+ stories, just not extreme explicit stuff when I’m not prepared for it. I also think mentioning what type of book this is would help those who are looking for it. It could actually be a jewel of a story for someone looking for this type of story.

Who should read this book: This is a great escape-from-reality story. It’s a whole lot of fun with a variety of things going on. It’s never boring. Just be aware that there’s explicit language and sexual content that could be shocking if you’re not looking for that.

Book Review: The Divinely Sinful Saints

Title: The Divinely Sinful Saints
Author: Itotko
Genre: Self-help; Religious
Book Length: 466 Pages (print)
Book Version Read: eBook
Year Published: August 31, 2023

Date Started: April 24, 2024
Date finished: April 28, 2024

This book is a breakdown of some of the scriptures based on the author’s understanding of them. The examples provide a general idea of how he interprets the rest of the Bible. He uses the King James Version as the Bible of choice.

The way this book works is the author quotes some verses from the Bible and then proceeds to question the verses and/or provide insights into them. In doing this, you either agree/disagree with him, or you question the verses. There is a lot to take in from this book. Literal meanings and symbolism are questioned. Sometimes, you are left to figure out what the real meaning of the verses are because the author doesn’t explain them or doesn’t translate the meaning of them and the importance of them. Sometimes, the author will explain the meanings and provide his opinions about them.

Overall, this was an interesting read. If you’ve never read the Bible or have barely looked at one, this book might be confusing. If you’ve read the Bible before and/or have studied it, this book will provide new insights, new ways of thinking about the verses, and possibly provide a new outlook on how the Bible is translated by different people. Personally, I found the King James Version a little confusing to dissect. I use a different Bible that I compared verses with and found my Bible easier to understand. Each individual will interpret the Bible a little differently, so keep that in mind as you read this book. Also keep in mind that there are a variety Bibles out there and they are often translated differently. If you want to follow these scriptures as they are dissected in this book, I’d recommend following along with the same Bible the author used.

Who should read this book: If you’re intrigued by the Bible and how it’s translated by other people, this book is excellent for that.

Bujo Pages: January and February 2024

I’ve been trying to spend more time in my bujo (bullet journal). I don’t often complete a journal thoroughly, but this year, I plan to. However, I did make that one mistake of using gesso on my weekly pages and that slowed down my process.

These pages I’m sharing are only of the fun stuff, or my hobbies. The calendar and weekly pages aren’t shown because they’re a bit personal. The top photo is April’s intro-page to April’s month. I’m always trying new ways to make my intro-page exciting. You’ll see below that I was covering two pages with one image. I enjoyed that for a short time, but I also love storytelling, so I decided to use one page for the art and the other page for a short (micro) fiction.

Since I’ve been learning how to generate AI art, I’ve been using the art pieces for my intros. It takes a lot less time, but it still takes time. Once I generate the art, I will often take the art into Photoshop to enhance or correct any issues. I also upscale and resize if necessary. Currently, I’m learning how to create better photo composites, but in the meantime, instead of a boring planner, I’ll be using AI art.

January intro-page:

January movies watched:

January TV shows and books read:

January photo snapshots:

February intro-page:

February movies watched:

February TV shows and books read:

February photo snapshots:

I normally would work on the previous month while in the current month. Let’s hope I can catch up!

I am using an A5 notebook from Archer & Olive. The leather notebook cover is an A5 Austen in the Darcy color from Chic Sparrow.

Do you bujo? I would love to see your process.

All Things Books

Daily writing prompt
What topics do you like to discuss?

I love discussing books, especially genre books. I’d enjoy sitting with another reader and we could talk about all the “worlds” we’ve visited while we drink our coffee or tea.

I also enjoy talking about movies and tv shows. I have an eye for the actors. I can pick them out and name another movie/movies and other shows they’re in.

Book Review: Houdini’s Last Handcuffs

Title: Houdini’s Last Handcuffs
Author: Charlie Young and Cheryl Young
Genre: Historical Fiction; Fantasy
Book Length: 189 Pages (print)
Book Version Read: eBook
Year Published: March 26, 2024

Date Started: April 9, 2024
Date finished: April 14, 2024

This is a fascinating story about Houdini’s final days and how a group of kids found a way to call his spirit in their curiosities. Houdini was an illusionist who took great chances, risking his life to show how skilled he was at escaping a variety of situation. He eventually succumbed to appendicitis. The story takes us through some historical facts about Houdini’s last few days. It then leads to a story about a group of kids looking to bring Houdini’s spirit or ghost because they wanted to talk to him. They found it difficult because they were using the wrong method. Eventually, they found a way to reach him, through his handcuffs.

The combination of historical fiction, facts, and fantasy in this story created a fun journey into the life of Houdini. The kids doing detective work to locate Houdini was well thought-out. They came to a dead end after doing their best using a board game, thinking it would work. However, to their disappointment, the board game didn’t give them what they wanted. One boy knew it was possible because his father spoke to Houdini when the magician was alive. He did some digging, and he found the handcuffs. Still, it wasn’t easy to call Houdini, but his perseverance paid off.

This was an enjoyable read. Having heard and read stories in my childhood (in school) about Houdini, this story piqued my interest. It was an excellent way to get a glimpse of this great man with his wife as he prepares for his death. The added story of reaching out to his ghost for answers made it all the more entertaining. It’s unfortunate that he died young but I’m glad he lived the life he wanted.

Who should read this book: For anyone who enjoys a mixture of historical fiction with fantasy.

Eerie, Yet Captivating

The other day, husband and I went to get waffle chicken at Slim Chickens (they have the best chicken!) and we were met with a thick, eerie, yet captivating fog. It was hard to see beyond 50 ft. The images are beautiful, but they don’t really capture the true feeling of actually being “in the clouds.” The elevation here is over 6,200 ft. above sea level, thus I call it, “in the clouds.” I’ve hiked mountains that were lower in elevation than where I live.

The intersection was pretty scary. It was hard to see the lights, plus, we had to be super careful in case other cars couldn’t see either (which I’m sure they couldn’t, if we couldn’t) and decide to just drive through.

It’s April, and it’s normal to have snow in early spring in Colorado.

Because it was so foggy, the camera couldn’t focus on anything so a lot of my photos were blurry. These last two photos were grayscaled because I wanted to capture the eeriness of it.

Do you often get fog in your neighborhood?