AI Art Before and After: A Futuristic Date

This was an AI art I generated in Midjourney. Again, there are issues with these art. They’re not perfect and a lot of them require editing. I’ve put both the original and the one I edited side by side so you can see where I’ve made changes.

These were quick fixes using Photoshop Beta (which is the Photoshop with AI) and Photoshop CC. To remove the extra hand, I used Beta and selected Generative Fill, then selected Generate without any additional descriptions. After that, I moved the image over to Photoshop CC and used Liquify to adjust the body parts. I also adjusted the man’s profile and hair but very subtly. I drew in the woman’s fingers and cleaned it up a little. That’s basically it. I’m sure if I spent more time on it, I could correct a few other things.

Here’s a larger image of the edited image:

What do you think of this couple?

Fantasy Digital Art Redo: The Carriage

I created this Fairy Watching a Carriage Go By digital art layout in 2014 using a premade digital background painting by Lorie Davision, a carriage photo, a girl photo, and wings. You can see the original process in this blog post here, which will also include the photos I used for the composite. I had signed up for the Photoshop Beta, which is Photoshop but with A.I. and decided to make a small change to it.

This is the original from 2014:

The change I made was to add about an inch at the bottom using this new A.I. tool. Photoshop then showed me three examples to choose from. I chose the image below, but it wasn’t perfect even though it was the one I thought fit the scene best. There was an area where it looked as though the water foam just stopped, so I then used the Generative Fill to fix it. Here’s what the new layout looks like:

These were the three examples it gave me. The third example is what I chose. You can see where the water looks like it just cuts off.

What do you think?

The Photoshop Beta is available to anyone who has an Adobe account (unlike Firefly where you have to submit a request to be accepted into the beta, but even then, I’m pretty sure it’s easy to get accepted). Photoshop Beta is separate from Photoshop CC, which is a creative cloud subscription. If anything, give it a try. It’s a lot of fun.

Reaching for the Moon

Created this for my About Me page.

I often start these projects and then never finish. I’m just happy I’m able to get one done. The images were from Unsplash except the one of me. It was a self-timed image with the Nikon DSLR taken about five years ago.

Halloween and What I’m Working On

Happy Halloween!

Processed with VSCO with b5 preset

The kids don’t trick-or-treat anymore. My oldest just started a part-time job so she’s working today. It’s going to be busy so I hope she handles it well. My youngest is trying to finish all her homework so she could help hand out candy. This year, the family decided to all dress up as pirates. My oldest can’t dress up so it’s just going to be the three of us. However, we took photos a week ago and I’ve started to create a concept piece using a couple of digital scrapbooking kits. Here’s the initial layout, still in the rough stages, trying to figure out background, props, etc.


A sketch and a concept composite

A couple of creative things I did last month.

Sketched a girl with the idea that she fell upon an island of pig-nosed humans.  They took her and converted her nose to one of theirs because it benefited her in that she would be able to smell danger and poison and such much easier and quicker then a tiny human nose.  I definitely need more practice because it’s not exactly the way I like it.
lb_humaneel11072015_800The composite above was done for a contest in which I didn’t win but I enjoyed making it because I realized how much I’ve missed working on my computer and with the Wacom tablet and pen.  Took me about 5 hours to complete, which included looking for stock photos.  The face and arms are actually me.  I had taken a set of photos of myself a couple months ahead with plans to use them for concept.  I’m really glad I was able to use one for this.

Practice Matte Painting

An old frozen rusty ship matte painting.  I followed the Youtube tutorial here.


For the skyline, I used this photo I took of the Miami skyline during a family cruise to the Bahamas a couple years ago.


Other photos used from a free photo stock site:


I began by making a sketch.


Then, I layered the photos.


Adjusted the colors, masked textures onto the ship, painted the snow all the way to the skyline, and painted snow on the buildings as well as on the ship.


Added filters.


Added snow.

SnowedShip7_800Close up of completed ship.
