Wedding Rings

Daily writing prompt
What’s the oldest things you’re wearing today?

The oldest thing I’m wearing today (and pretty much everyday) are my wedding rings. However, they are not the original rings. The first set of rings I wore were sold only a few years after husband and I got married. We sold everything of value because we were going through extreme hardship. It was the worst thing I’ve ever gone through and I vowed never to let my daughters go through anything like that. The most scariest moment was when we only had $20 in our checking and bills were coming due. I spent a lot of time crying and praying and wondering how it all went so wrong. Through sacrifices and hard work, and time, things eventually got better.

The rings are a platinum set. The band I’ve had for 20 years and the diamond ring (1 ct) I’ve had for 10 years (for our 10th anniversary in 2011). Husband and I will be married for 23 years this August. Sometimes, I don’t wear the diamond ring because it gets in the way of chores, but I always wear the band. The rings keep me grounded. They are a reminder of the struggles husband and I endured and overcame. The rings also remind me of the love husband and I have for each other.

Btw, I do have an item that’s been in my closet longer than I’ve been married, but I’m just not wearing it today. It’s a knee-length summer dress I bought at a thrift-store for cheap sometime in the mid to late 90’s. I don’t wear it as often as I used to, but I still swear it.

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