Tidying Up

I read “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo in 2015 and attempted her tidying method for awhile. It worked for a little bit. I was able to clear out all the makeup I’ve collected throughout the years and I’ve been able to keep my makeup stash to a minimum to this day. I also tried to clean out my drawers and fold my clothes using her method but that didn’t last very long. I’m not sure why but I’m going to give it another try. I want to clear out clutter. I want to only keep the things I use often, and I want to keep my spending on materialistic things low.

Marie recommends starting with clothes but I’ve decided to start with the study where all crafting stuff are. Every time I walk into the study I get so overwhelmed that my mind can’t focus. I’ve tried cleaning sections of the room but all I’ve done is move one mess into another space creating another mess. I know that in order to really clear out a room, I have to remove everything (almost everything) and then put back only the things I use often or on a daily basis. I never did it because I didn’t know where to put everything I took out. This week, I decided that I’d put everything in the living room and then from there, go through all the “junk” and decide what brings me joy and what doesn’t.

This is the study before:


This is after:


My desk before:


My desk after:


This is where all the stuff was put (in the living room). My goal is to get rid of at least 80% of this stuff.
