What’s good about having a pet?

I think having a pet really depends on time and lifestyle. If you’re always running around or too busy to take care of an animal, it’s probably not a good idea to have a pet. However, if you spend a lot of time home or need a companion because you don’t like being alone, or you just want someone to cheer you up, having a pet can be beneficial.

This is our family pet, Teddy. She’s a good dog and so sweet too. I was never a huge fan of dogs. I didn’t not like them. I just didn’t care for them and mainly because I was always too busy. Plus, as a young child, I was afraid of dogs and mainly because I was chased by a pretty big dog one day on my home from school. The family has had Teddy for 11-years and now and I just can’t see our family without her. Teddy is a medium size dog. She weighs about 35/38 lbs., and she’s super harry and sheds like there’s no tomorrow. She loves winter and going out into the snow.

Here she is at a year old in 2013.

Winter Snow

Yesterday, we were hit with a sort of blizzard. But, like most winters here, they never last. School was delayed for the kids this morning due to the icy roads. Just before noon, most the snow and ice had melted.

Teddy gets excited when she sees snow. She only comes inside after she’s had her fun. Oh, and also because she knows there’s a treat waiting for her.


October Colors

Took these earlier this month and just really love the colors.  It had rained during the night, and as always, the rain makes everything more vibrant.


Processed with VSCO with s3 preset
Processed with VSCO with s3 preset


Our Keeshond, Teddy, will be turning 4 years old on the 31st of this month.  Each year, I love her more and more.  She is great company and so sweet and kind.

February 2015 Random Photos

I had fun this month with the camera.  Enjoy these…

The family Keeshond, Teddy.  She is the sweetest dog ever.  She follows me everywhere and just plops down by my feet and sleeps.  With husband, she’s a little different.  She’ll wag her tail, jump on him, and want to play with him.  Another thing about her, she won’t eat unless we’re eating.

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The pink orchid.  This is the second time it’s bloomed.  I’ve only had it for a few a years.PINKORCHID021120150015_800 PINKORCHID021120150020_800 PINKORCHID022220150017_800

My daughter stepped in to help me with the 52 Week Photo Challenge I’m keeping up with.  This one called for long exposure so I set the D90 with the 50mm lens to the highest F-stop possible, which was 36, and the ISO to the lowest at L1.KY022120150006_800 KY022120150008_800 KY022120150012_800

It’s Like She Knows


Teddy, the family Keeshond seems to know more than we think she does.  Even though she’s never made a trip to visit my dad, grandma, and sister at the hospital, it’s as though she knows something’s up.

This week has been hard.