Book Review: Holliday

Title: Holliday
Author: Matthew Di Paoli
Genre: Historical Fiction; Western
Book Length: 283 Pages (print)
Book Version Read: Paperback
Year Published: July 5, 2023

Date Started: May 12, 2024
Date finished: May 17, 2024

This is a western story centered around the historical figure, Doc Holliday. Born John Henry Holliday, he was a dentist, a gambler, and gunslinger. He was a close friend of Wyatt Earp and for a short time they teamed up. In this story, Holliday embarks on a quest to find the mineral hot springs in Glenwood Springs, CO in hopes of curing his illness. His journey takes him from his hometown of Georgia through Texas, Nevada, Arizona, and Kansas, ultimately leading him to Colorado where he remained until his death.

This was a well-crafted account of Doc Holliday. Before reading this book, I didn’t know much about him, although I was familiar with Wyatt Earp and some other western stories out there. Doc Holliday’s name wasn’t entirely new to me, but I hadn’t paid much attention to him before. I’m glad I read this book because it has sparked my interest in his story. I also enjoyed the raw storytelling of the setting and side characters. The dangers of being in the wrong place and time could mean life or death, and being a woman meant you were either a wife or a whore. This was a well-worth read and had me wipe a few tears at the end.

Who should read this book: If you’re into western historical fiction or just plain-o western, this book is excellent.