Goo Goo Dolls Concert

Daily writing prompt
What was the last live performance you saw?

The last live performance I went to was a Goo Goo Dolls’ concert in August 2023. I had always wanted to see them live in the 90’s but I was a poor college student and couldn’t afford it. Plus, I was too busy with school and work, and I also had no one to go with. I went to this concert with my husband.

There were quite a lot of people. It was a nice, beautiful day with beautiful weather. Everything just felt perfect. We sat pretty close, but it was still pretty far away. There were large screens to either side of the stage for close-ups.

O.A.R. opened for them. They sing the popular song, “Shattered.” When our kids were young, we would sing the chorus, “Turn this car around!” The kids also sang along. It was the only song we remember from them. I think it was also the only song that made it big by them.

I like a lot of Goo Goo Dolls’ songs, but my all time favorite will always be, “Black Balloon.”